Pineider magazine

Dante Del Vecchio, Master pen maker of Pineider told us about the characteristics of the pen that won the most important international competition.

We met Dante del Vecchio to ask him more about his creations. Below is an excerpt from our interview.

What inspired you when you have created the Psycho pen?

Like every creation I make, there is always something that drives me, at a subconscious level, to express my ideas. When I set out to create Psycho I wanted to represent the human psycho: so complex. Sometimes twisted and for this I created an elegant but intertwined superstructure. A finished weaving.

What do you think about when you think of a pen project to make?

Every time I create a pen I look for the opportunity to express myself. I like my pens to communicate a feeling, an idea, a concept, albeit abstract but not too much. When my pens arouse an emotion, I am happy and feel I have done a good job.

I let myself be inspired by everything around me: a philosophical concept, a book, an idea or even an airplane. Literally everything!

How do you recognize your touch in a pen?

I think my greatest quality is originality. I somehow manage to create different, creative and technological pens, which have a select audience that recognizes and esteems me.

What is the passion for Dante del Vecchio?

It’s all you do with your heart and not with your mind. It’s all you hear, hear, see and perceive not with your reason but with your heart. It’s something you feel pulsing inside your stomach. The passion is visceral.

Did you always know that making pens was your way?

No, absolutely no. Passion is also a profession that came to me over time. The pens on the market didn’t satisfy me and so over time I learned to observe and understand not only what I liked to do, but also what others are doing.

What does this award represent for you?

It’s a great satisfaction. It’s always nice to receive recognition, even if I got my first award in 1993.  But this is especially special for my second life. It is the first prize I receive with Pineider and this makes me happy, even if to be honest, my greatest satisfaction is the people who choose my creations and are happy in buying my pens.

What are you working on now? Can you give us some spoilers?

No, I won’t give you any spoilers. I really can’t, but I tell you that those who follow me and have a passion for my creations will really have fun.

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