Pineider magazine

Pineider and Tatuaggimale launch a collaboration dedicated to primal writing, a tribute to the love of a gesture born with the sole purpose of changing the world. With words.

The passion for handwriting in all its forms has led Pineider to encounter creatives of all kinds united by the search for a new raison d’être in the digital transformation era, for the oldest form of communication.

From these encounters, calligraphy courses, writing workshops, new products, and unconventional shortcuts have emerged. The latest of these features Giovanni Barberis, a videomaker from Milan, who in 2016 gave life to a true artistic movement called Tatuaggimale.

In the guise of a novice tattoo artist, almost playfully, Giovanni has legitimized a new expressive format that embraces typographic experimentation and writing on skin. His creations consist of short provocative phrases, quotes, slogans, or simple words expressed through primal styles, as if they were just sketched on a sheet of paper. But beyond the provocation of essentiality, in Tatuaggimale’s works, there is that of meaning, the unsaid, intimacy, and memories. Because each of his words conceals the aspirations, joys, pains, and personal story of those who, by getting it tattooed, have chosen it as a life companion.

Drawing inspiration from four of Tatuaggimale’s most disruptive punchlines, Pineider wanted to create a limited edition of its black Jazz notebooks, totaling 100 copies, unveiled during a Halloween party in its Milan boutique. An unconventional project that celebrates the love for a rebellious gesture: sparking a spark in others by transforming thoughts into text.

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